We have released a number of updates in the last couple of months. You may have seen them in the ECF app already. These updates demonstrate our commitment to ECF customer satisfaction and product improvement by incorporating feedback from customers. The focus on security measures like email verification and account suspension, along with added functionalities such as exporting reports and sharing previews, contributes to a more robust and user-friendly experience within the ECF app.
Email verification
We now have email verification when a new user signs up for ECF. This helps prevent fraudulent accounts on ECF. When someone signs up for ECF, they will receive a unique link in an email that they to click on to verify their account.

Reset Buttons
Added “Reset” and “Reset All” buttons in the New Snapshot process, enabling users to reset specific sections or all information within the New Snapshot process. These features are displayed within the green boxes on the right side of the screenshot below.

Search Snapshot History
ECF users can now search for past Snapshots in the Home page by using the Search box or filter by a date range. These features are displayed within the green boxes below.

Export PDF Snapshot Report
ECF users can now export a PDF report of their ECF Snapshots. You can do this by clicking on the download button located in the top right of the ECF Snapshot Dashboard.

Suspend account
You can now suspend your ECF account from the Profile section within the ECF web application.

Share Snapshot preview
When ECF users share a Snapshot with someone, the recipient can now see a preview of the Snapshot. The Recipient will have to log into ECF to see the full Snapshot and save the Snapshot in their account.

Ask for Help
ECF users can now submit comments, questions, and feedback with the Help tab.

Invite a Friend
ECF users can now invite a friend using the Invite a Friend tab.